Omnibus Theatre last two weeks, London UK

In the last two weeks at Omnibus the makers were Jane, Klari, Wensheue, Arti, Tim, Ciaran, Tash, Ellen, Cindy, Erman, Lotte, Mathieu, Rachael, Alison, Val, Luca, Robert, Erica, Sarah, Julian, Gabi, Sarah, Seb, Sophie and Paul. We made 24 dolls.

I always give a tip when they start the process  – to fill the body with dreams starting on feet, hands, head, arms and legs. I ask them to forget the middle part of the body until all extremities are full. What often happens is that they forget it and can’t reach hands and feet. This week a maker did exactly that and said ’We like to take short cuts to make our lives easier but it makes it more difficult.’  

In the last day godmother and Gabi came to help sewing dolls’ legs of previous makers. The dolls were so happy to see godmother first time at this season.

‘A lovely surprinzing moment in time when you least expect it to remember through dreams a very special person who is no longer in your life. A friend you thought you would share dreams forever, but it was not to be!’

‘An unexpected experience that begins in a very practical way/ activity and then leads to a meditative moment of quiet! Thank you!’ 

‘I enjoyed making the little figure come to life by filling her with my dreams.’

‘My little doll is important because I don’t who it is. I always want to know and see everything. With this doll I happily embraced not knowing. Who will appear in my life? A man? A child? Both? None? I don’t know but he/she will come. Beautiful not- knowing… Thank you little doll.’ 

‘It was an absolute delight to come across Regina and her dolls. Had a great time!’

‘I hope my dreams come true.’

‘I did not expect to spend such a long time on this table, such a peaceful and great moment, thank you!’

‘Bellissima experience! Moment of relax and peace.’

‘It was a wonderful and peaceful experience. I really enjoyed taking the time to do something so relaxing and creative. I look forward to seeing the finished result.’

‘When I was meditating I felt a very personal connection to my doll and its dreams. It was pleasant and felt warm to be in the moment with myself and the doll.’ 

‘A moving tribute to the dynamics of loss and love, grounding.’

‘What a wonderful experience. Regina has the most wonderful, soothing energy and it is a joy to be part of this project. I have walked away feeling very connected to all wonderful humans out there- Thank you Regina!’

‘A wonderful way to quiet the mind and escape the hustle and bustle of the city. It was a beautiful creative experience coached perfectly by Regina- thank you so much.’

Thank You everybody for these wonderful weeks at Omnibus. 


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