The Royal Academy of Arts
Friday 16 February 2018
During the artists presentations I wrote down what inspired me most about their work.
Emma paints about the broken heart of romantic love.
Eleonora does phototherapy to help people.
Pat does her art work inspired by her previous work as an art teacher for children with behaviour difficulties and she realised that most of parents of those children didn’t play with them .
Keith and Bridget work together in the same canvas. ‘We’ve been there‘ is the name of their work and it reminded me when I used to paint on the same canvas, exactly like they do, with my daughter’s dad ages ago. I am grateful that their work reminded me these forgotten moments, I can say ‘I’ve been there’ and it was good.
Paul was in prison and in hospitals where he developed his art work. He paints beautiful portraits and some landscapes.
Heather does oil paintings about her experience of being disabled and abused online.
Tina has motor neurone disease, the same disability as Stephen Hawking, she loves to do her art work surrounded by friends.
Vera make sculptures of animals inspired by her little bird.
Terry paints people in the Amazon and in rainforests all over the world and writes poems about her paintings. She reads the poems with lots of intensity, for me sometimes was over the top and I enjoyed it.
Regina makes lots of dolls, one for each one of us on earth, she doesn’t need to pretend she is making less than that.