
‘Improvisation happens when we do whatever we want to do to take care of ourselves, to take care of others, and to take care of the planet. And improvisation is free, it is for everyone and it is anywhere, it is love basically.’

I attended GII Global Improvisation Initiative event online in June 2021.

I was very inspired by everybody. I slept. I woke up with these lines in my head.

Once upon a time …

Once upon a time there was a wonderful blue planet turning around the sun. 

It took thousands years for one of the species that lived on this beautiful planet, called humans, to learn how to love and respect themselves as much as everything else that surrounded them. 

They learned it and they lived happily ever after. 


Consciousness does not die  

It is the bridge between dark and light

An insight

We die 

Consciousness does not

We become the bridge

Awareness and attention

When we make dolls and meditate, we observe our natural abilities of ‘attention’ and ‘awareness’.

We are aware of the coexistence of these two kinds of consciousness and we experience both of them simultaneously.

We focus on an specific activity to make dolls. At the same time we notice a multitude of thoughts, sensations and emotions inside and outside us.

We realize how broad is our consciousness.

Art Installation Improv Performance

Our work in progress exhibition is always an


1. The story develops through different group of makers every evening.

2. Each group is a different act.

3. Each act is improvised as we never know how each group will play.

4. The last act is the last evening when the gap is completed.

5. Happy end. Black out.


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