This month we went to an event in Oxford called Radical Curiosity – a conversation about creativity and the arts in dangerous times.
I usually have a feeling of uncertainty when I’m about to invite people to make dolls and meditate but I always do it, and I’ve been doing it for twelve years.
After I invited everybody I talked to Lee about this feeling and he seemed to really understand and told me that that feeling is inevitable. He said that the possibility that something will not work – even if it is something you have done before – has to be there for it to be art. His words made me feel good, as always.
Yes I’ve been doing it for twelve years and every single session is a brand new experience that always surprises me.
Ana, Miranda, Atri, Clara, Alex, Dolcie, Georgia, Nicola and Lizzy came and we made 9 dolls in total.
‘Occupy your hands with cloth and lining
occupy your hands with people and dreams
many dreams in each arm and leg
many dreams in the head
and a heart in the right place.’
‘Beautiful meditative experience. Making ‘ just because’ – time away from the ‘big’ conversations to engage and dream amongst friends.’
‘A mindful, creative and loving experience filled with warmth and positive vibes.’
’Something very concrete and very metaphorical at the same time’
‘It was a massive risk for me but I made a doll from the beginning to the end. I overcome a trauma/fobia from my childhood.’
‘One of the most magical experience of my life.’
I am so grateful for all maker who joined us, for Erica who invited us for such special day together and Lee who brought Open Space technology I love to organise our work. We had a precious time together, thank you!