Ovalhouse, London UK

Last Thursday 18 December 2014 we met in another D&D event at Ovalhouse in London UK to thanks 2014 and to ask where do we go from here?

We had great conversations about creativity, who we are and how was 2014 for us. While we were talking we sewed six dolls. I sewed five and Sarah put a heart into a doll, did a short meditation with her own heart and perfectly finished it, she told me she used to sew costumes before. She took these beautiful photos of ‘our six friends’ celebrating Christmas with us.

I had an image about the dolls. They are our base layer. On top of the base layer we will add a first layer, a second, a third, a fourth and so on until we reach a beautiful out layer. I look forward seeing the next layers, and there will be many as it can be very cold outside!

When you look at the doll you will think ‘this is my body’. Well I realised this is your base layer, your body is pure dream. I will keep making the dolls and I will keep asking you to help me making them for us to be warm and safe.

I want to thank you everybody for have inspired me with your amazing dreams and hearts so far so much for the last five years. I am specially grateful to D&D people who are responsible for holding the space for us, such generosity is priceless, thank you amazing improbable people, I love you!




The weekend at Southbank Centre, London UK

We spent this last weekend, 25 and 26 October 2014, in Southbank Centre London with the dolls at the D&D Arts and Sports in Education: Luxury or a necessity? How do we build an education system we really want?

Ginnie, Brendan, Rosalie, Lucy, Susy, Simon, Jenny, Matilda, Riddley, Henrietta, Mel, Andrew and Li joined us. They put hearts into the dolls and finished to sew them.

We had a meditation moment – we found out our own pulse and we concentrated on the beats of our own hearts.

We made 26 dolls in total.

Some comments:

‘Fantastic project, from heart to heart. Good luck!’

‘The dolls caught my eye, dreams from pillows is lovely hopeful message. Relaxing experience with healing potential for an uncertain future’

‘Lovely meditation!’

‘Lovely peaceful workshop. Nice to take 5 minutes out of a busy day to do something creative’

‘We need to put the heart in the right place’

‘Beautiful and emotional that chat with Regina about love, mothering, astrology and life. Thank you! I sewed 4 dolls!’

‘It was not easy to find my own pulse on my wrist when I finally found it on my neck. I enjoyed the texture of white ‘cloud of dreams’, thank you!’

‘Your project remind me of both Reike and Vordun with the dolls as a vessel for my pulse bringing life to the dolls heart. I wonder if the corresponding being will have been remotely charged in the moment. Thank you Regina – I enjoyed a meditative time participating here!’

This last comment reminded me my first thoughts about the project when I used quantic physics to try to understand what I am doing. I wrote some lines about it beginning 2012, see the post above.

I am very grateful once more for the amazing generous D&D people and for everybody who participated in the workshop, thank you!













Battersea Arts Centre, London UK

Last Tuesday 03 June 2014 at the D&D Why is funding the Arts better for everyone I shared my insight about the full moon.

We talked about the 700 dolls and the 700 full moons. How amazing is that when I conceived the project I had lived 700 full moons and I have only discovered this fact recently. It seems that another layer of the project is revealing itself and it is inspiring me at this moment to make full moon necklaces.

Kirsty noticed that there were more women than men in the room to talk about funding the Arts. The moon is the symbol of the feminine world.

I asked the question what does it mean the number of full moons we have lived? It seems nobody had any clue about it.

Kate and Dimity came to put hearts into the dolls and we made our short meditation ritual to feel our breath and heartbeats.

Some comments

‘Loose your dreams and you loose your mind’

‘It is very therapeutic’

‘I dedicate this moment to my mother who died of heart problems a year ago’

We made 8 dolls in total.

Li came to make her own full moon necklace and we found out that she has lived 455 full moons so far.

We make the necklaces with a golden thread to remind us of the sun.

We all talked about our experiences with the full moon.

Most of them include secret places.

Some stories and comments

‘Our bathroom has a beautiful angled window up to the sky. It feels very special to be bathed in moonlight, sitting quietly in the middle of the night with the rest of the house sleeping. We are doing some work on the house and have to lose this window. I will miss my quiet secret moonlight moments very much’

‘My mum do rituals every month to honour the full moon. My brother walks to the mountains every month to a beautiful secret place and just few friends know about it. They didn’t want to tell anybody otherwise people would go there and would damage the place’

‘Art is a secret place’

Yes It Is!

Thank you everyone!




The Yard Theatre, Hackney Wick, London UK

On 15 April 2014 at the D&D about Competition and Collaboration, Maria, Susy, Tom and Marissa put hearts into 5 dolls and we finished them all.

Give me a heart! someone said and we started.

This was the first time the dolls were given the opportunity to speak their silence into the microphone. It was great!

Thank you all




Bonecos Sonhos Coração Sao Paulo, Brazil

My dearest friends Claudia and Vera took the initiative to create the event Bonecos Sonhos Coração in São Paulo Brazil last Sunday 16 March 2014.

Leky, Chris, Carlos, Roney, Claudemira, Otacilio, Dedé, Rosangela, Jairo, Cris, Marina, Angelica, Danieli, Livia, Talita, Maria Cecilia, Marinalva, Claudia, Vera, Neca, Rica, Flavia, the children Gabi, Luana, Laura and Bruno came to sew the dolls and we had a very special afternoon together.

Everybody drew, cut and sewed the dolls. We stuffed them with dreams and we put hearts into them making the meditation ritual to connected with our own hearts. We sewed 39 dolls, 23 of them are finished.

When we finished our workshop we celebrated Sunday full moon gathering our dolls in a circle.

Some comments

‘I feel that you managed to invent a way to make everyone stop and do something for others in a simple and soulful way. It is the practice of generosity. It is pure Art and action. It is engendering something the world really needs. We make a doll which has dreams and a heart, we send love and hope to everyone in the world, it is well-targeted magic’

‘It is meditative, a delicate thing to do in the middle of a trampled life. What unsuspected delicacy we discover in us and in others! The silent moment of putting dreams inside the dolls and connecting our heart with the heart that will inhabit that doll. That afternoon resonated with me for a long time. It still does, thank you. It was a lovely moment, in the middle of the city, this microcosm of craziness so lacking in the energy which was in that room’ 

‘This is a courageous and lovely project Regina! This project is symbolic of the urgent need to expand our awareness that we are all connected by a network of light and shade, for which we are all responsible. I hope that our dreams circulate, nurture and cultivate human solidarity, with faith and love for all of us. Simple as that!’

After this afternoon I must add into my list of things we need to do to be alive, from 28/02 post,

8. Friends

I am immensely grateful to everyone.

Thank you!

Click for ‘Bonecos Sonhos Coração‘ event.


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Southbank Centre, London UK

Dreams are like gravity – let’s sleep and dream.

I went on 27 February 2014 to another great D&D event-What are we really going to do about Race and Diversity in UK Theatre? with the dolls.

Six people came to help me put hearts into them and we made 7 dolls in total.

We had one to one experience most of the time.

Some comments:

‘I lost my heart…’

‘Thank you, a lovely break from intense discussions’

‘This is lovely, such a moment of rest, relaxation, focus and happiness’

The session inspired me to write down a list of things we need to do to be alive. I’ll write in a particular order where the first thing is the most important and so on

1. Breath

2. Sleep-Dream

3. Wake up

4. Walk

5. Drink

6. Eat

7. Enjoy

We don’t need to remember our dreams, eventually it might be useful but it is not necessary. We will dream anyway. It is like the gravity, we do not struggle to be here, we just are. When we dream and we wake up we know where to go and how to feed ourselves at any level. We enjoy and our heart is happy. This is the moment to change what need to be changed, so let’s sleep.


York Hall, Bethnal Green, London UK

I am extremely grateful to the event Devoted and Disgruntled 9 that happened in the last weekend of January 2014 in London. It was the first time I had the opportunity to really feel and confirm my vision, to experience the dimension of the 700 dolls project in the world. The dolls have been given amazing moments by this incredible D&D space. They have supported the project since the very beginning giving me real love to keep going. Thank you!

I called a session suggesting we could reach the target of 63 dolls which represents 9% of them to celebrate D&D 9.

We put the heart into each doll, we had our quiet moment feeling our own hearts beating, we completed their legs with dreams and most of us sewed their legs.

We reached the target of 63 dolls.

I felt like I was in paradise having such an amount of generous people helping me to make the dolls.

We were in another space and time, with everybody but invisible. I could feel the density of this other world. We were supporting the entire group with this ‘love machine’ during 4 hours non stop. Real, concrete, practical love, simple and profound love that transforms us in our very centre.

Some comments:

‘I found out these dreams on the floor’

‘I made three dolls, one for me, one for my mother who died last October and one for my dad who died 10 years ago. I passed on their love, hope and generosity to be with the dolls wherever they go. I am so thankful for this opportunity to spread peace to myself and to the world’

‘I made 12 dolls for my father’s freedom because his freedom depends on 12 people’

‘ A real moment of stillness and focus on a shared humanity, for me a very personal experience which helped with some present difficulties, wonderful’

‘Provided space and a moment of calm during a hectic weekend’

‘I felt a sense of peace and gratitude. I had not realized I needed the quiet. Nor did I realized how I would enjoy, in that moment, connecting to a sense of global and, indeed, the whimsical. One small act is what I have to give’

‘Making my doll was very calming and helped me check back into myself. The quiet, the concentration, knowing that you are helping in a little and large way. It felt beautiful. Feeling the rhythm of the movement and the accomplishment. It was lovely, just lovely’

‘I liked to sew the dreams into the leg. It helped me focus and concentrate after a long day of discussions and talking’

‘Thank you for bringing the dolls at D&D. It was a lively moment for me when I sat down and had the opportunity to breath, close my eyes and feel my own heart beating. After two days of work and talks, it felt peaceful to have a moment of silence and recollection. I sewed two dolls, and it was special. Very poetic, yet simple. I wish you good luck with this beautiful project’

‘Thank you. Doing my bit touched my heart more than anything in the last days, let’s make 7 000 000 000’

Thank you so much everyone!


