Last week I went to Omnibus five evenings from Wednesday to Sunday. The makers were Tony, Max, Peter, Pam, Mark, Laura, Leander, Suzanne, Sophie, Job, Xanthe, Daniel, Ali, Joel, Amanda, Phil, Gabriel, Jan, James, Suzanne, Beatrice, Gabi, Martha, Amelia, Diana and Alice.
We made 26 dolls and some of them have names – Laurence, Jack, Daniel and the ballerina Giselle.
An unusual beautiful thing happened – five of the makers meditated together for 15 minutes, a long unexpected time. People usually meditate less than 5 minutes.
‘Thank you for a wonderful peaceful time with you all!’
‘I hope the dreams make a contribution to world peace.’
‘Meditating with a new group of people was a life-giving experience. I felt tranquil and peaceful and hope loving kindness will come to all.’
‘A wonderful experience for a fantastic evening. Loved the exhibition.’
‘When Regina (I didn’t know her name then) asked me if I’d like to make a doll I was glad – I’ve seen her putting them up and been curious, she’d lost her printouts so explained to me the ‘Dream’ around the dolls – it’s love, it’s community, it’s inclusive Art + the small act of stuffing a little being + talking to Regina was a balm to the soul. Many thanks, One Love.’
‘Loved it! Very calming, thank you!’
‘The process of creating was therapeutic. Once made I was happy to add the figure to the collection to be part of the group.’
‘I will come back and sew Daniel, finish his leg. He is the focus of this, my doll, because it represents the person I most love in the world. My dream is that he is happy, and my heart is his heart.’
‘I applaud you for your accomplishments and your ever so admirable pursuit of peace through your dolls.’
‘Lovely to chat with you this evening Regina and to find out about what you are doing within the community here. Such a thoughtful and inspired way of bringing people together and connecting at an emotional level.’
On Sunday the wonderful young cellist Sheku, who played at Harry and Meghan wedding, performed with his brother, sister and two friends, all of them prodigious teenagers, what a privilege to be there, it was a brilliant concert!
Thank you so much everyone!