This last weekend we were together in another great D&D event ‘How can we change opera for the better’ at English National Opera in London.
Bill, Malika, Delia, Suni, Germaine, Ruth, Norman and Blue came to my session and helped to put dreams and hearts into the dolls and we meditated connecting with our heartbeat. We made 13 dolls together.
We are now half way to complete the second community of 700 dolls!
Some interesting new thing happened at this time – the dolls were given names – we’ve got now a George, a Clive, an Emmer and an Odette.
‘George has one leg longer than the other – just like me!’
‘Emer has a beautiful heart’
‘Clive is funny and beautiful inside out.’
‘Odette is a very calming person’
and a comment about the process
‘Thank you! I found that more emotional then I expected and I needed to be alone for a few minutes afterwards’
On Sunday morning I told everybody that it took me three years to reach a thousand dolls. I am growing older and I don’t want to die before I reach at least the five communities of 700 dolls. I need more people to help me making them so we can reach 1000 in one year and meet the target in two years and a half time instead of 10 years!!!
Thank you so much everybody and a special thank you to D&D people who opened this space to talk and do what is essential for us so we can transform the world in a better place to live, Thank You!