Rich Mix, Shoreditch, London UK

Yesterday we had a great D&D event ‘What are we (yes, we) going to do about Europe (and the rest of the world)?’ at Rich Mix. My favourite invitation so far, written by Tom.

Mayou and Sarah helped me to put dreams and hearts into six dolls.

Thanks to D&D team we had once more this precious opportunity to spend time together having inspiring conversations on how we (yes, we) are going to change the world into a better place to live.

Thank you!



English National Opera, London UK

This last weekend we were together in another great D&D event ‘How can we change opera for the better’ at English National Opera in London.

Bill, Malika, Delia, Suni, Germaine, Ruth, Norman and Blue came to my session and helped to put dreams and hearts into the dolls and we meditated connecting with our heartbeat. We made 13 dolls together.

We are now half way to complete the second community of 700 dolls!

Some interesting new thing happened at this time – the dolls were given names – we’ve got now a George, a Clive, an Emmer and an Odette.

‘George has one leg longer than the other –  just like me!’

‘Emer has a beautiful heart’

‘Clive is funny and beautiful inside out.’

‘Odette is a very calming person’

and a comment about the process

‘Thank you! I found that more emotional then I expected and I needed to be alone for a few minutes afterwards’

On Sunday morning I told everybody that it took me three years to reach a thousand dolls. I am growing older and I don’t want to die before I reach at least the five communities of 700 dolls. I need more people to help me making them so we can reach 1000 in one year and meet the target in two years and a half time instead of 10 years!!!

Thank you so much everybody and a special thank you to D&D people who opened this space to talk and do what is essential for us so we can transform the world in a better place to live, Thank You!







Slowing down


A relaxing decaf tea bath… they love the new warm and cosy spa moment, they feel like being in their mum’s womb.



Slowing down… yes we need it.

The Vaults Festival, London UK

Every Saturday afternoon from 30th January to 6th March 2016 I spent precious time at D&D events at The Vaults Festival in London.

We talked about funny women, artists with learning disabilities, autism, depression and other mental illnesses, progressive politics, women ageing and about the Vaults festival.

Paul, Sharon, Malika, Jolen, Lee, Imogen, Paul, Sarah, Susie, Colin, Yolande and Rachel helped to make dolls, we made 29 together while having these inspiring conversations and we also meditated.

‘It is like building an extension of oneself filling it with love’ – a beautiful comment about the dolls.

Thank you so much Sarah, Susie, Rachel and Kirsty for being such great facilitators, Susie and Rachel first time, they did it brilliantly, thank you!

Seriously, I will miss these Saturdays under Waterloo bridge, they made my winter much warmer.








An angel hand

Dancing my thoughts

I am starting my solo

It was another hand

An angel hand on my head

It is a healing dance promise

When I dance there is peace

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1000 dolls!!! at Birmingham Repertory Theatre, Birmingham UK

We spent last weekend in our loved annual D&D event at The Rep in Birmingham.

I asked people to help me to put dreams and hearts into 38 dolls and we would reach 1000 together.

Monica, Heather, Ridley, Elinor, Sofia, Miriam, Emma, Hugh, Sally, Rachel, Nick, Amy, Hannah, Vivian, Ben, Janice, Jess, Tabitha, Len, Lisa, Steven, Kath, Ali, Sunny, Claire, JP, David, Aimee, Frances, Lu, Vivian and some more people that I forgot the names, came to the session.

I can’t even believe, we made it!

1000 dolls!!!!!

Actually we made 1001 so we have already started the next thousand!

I run out of fabric. On Saturday I asked everybody to bring any fabric that they could have at home, not thick fabric, from white to medium cream. On Sunday I received very nice pieces of fabric and we are now ready to sew the next community.

We had inspiring conversation and shared beautiful intimate moments while we were adding the dreams and hearts into the dolls, and also after meditating.

Some comments:

This is a brilliant session. Great to sit down and making + chatting + contributing to this project. Beautifully led! So glad I came!

Relaxed + enjoyable experience.

I totally loved this. Small meditative beautiful!

I loved making my little person. Beautiful idea and a really relaxing, creative experience. Thank you!

Good to finally do a doll, have started on other D&D, at last I finished one, thank you Regina, hugs.

What a beautiful idea and a calming ‘other’ experience. Regina is a skillful dreamer and this passion project is a beautiful shaft of light in a complex world. 7 billion will be.

Thank you for creating a space for craft and meditation, may the hearts of the dolls spread love across the universe!

Very calming! Look forward to seeing more of this project. The doll I stuffed had a red mark which appeared where its appendix would be – funny because I’ve just had mine taken out.

1000! Thank you, a wonderful moment of calm for body and brain – lovely!

I had a lovely time making my doll today. Thank you!

A tender holding both of me by her and by me to the doll. May life reign beautifully!

A brilliant moment of calm and peace in the middle of creative chaos.

At first I asked Regina what this session was about and she said let’s do it and you will see. Really touchy, connecting and so important. Just let it be. Really enjoyed and thank you for the meditation and for inviting me to make a doll.

This has been absolutely lovely, so calm! Thank you for teaching me.

This was a really therapeutic exercise. I had a lot of great conversations with great people whilst making my doll and after meditating I felt very connect and a lot of love for my little creation. I hope he has a good journey! Thanks Regina.

Really enjoyed this – found it so relaxing, I even learnt how to sew – so new excuses for me regarding missing buttons! Wonderful project.

Calming, ‘different’, very ambitious, don’t doubt it will happen, thanks.

This session was beautiful! It helped to center my mind, it centered my dreams and suddenly made me realise I must pursue the reoccurring persistent dream I’ve been having.

I can’t wait to meet everyone again to continue making the next communities of dolls.

Thank you so much for your generosity and support

and a thousand thank you to Improbable who once more organised an amazing event – Sarah, Susie, Rachel, Lucy, Nick, Phelim and Lee

I love you guys!










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