‘The alignment between the objective truth and the moral truth is itself a kind of unseen order at a very deep level’ Robert Wright said that in a course about Buddhism and Psychology. I love it.
I guess the unseen order he is talking about is Love.
‘The reality wins 100% of the times’ Phelim always say that and I love it too.
However what I love the most is to put both thoughts together and when I do it I realize that we suffer that much with reality because our moral truth is not aligned to the objective truth – we are still struggling to find out the alignment, the unseen order.
For me the unseen order is Love.
I just want to clarify to my astrologer friends that when I say love, this infinite creative love, I am not talking about Neptune.
I am talking about something beyond, the unseen order that creates the incredible synchronicity between the heavens and earth that we can very well visualise and understand through our craft.
The miracle that makes everything the way it is, the miracle of reality in all its levels.
Some people call it God, some other people call it Science (and science is God for them).
I like to think that Love is the ultimate energy behind and beyond everything.
Probably we will find another word instead of Love to call the unseen order, the miracle, perhaps can we call it Art?
Art = Is
Reality= Morality = What Is= Art
I like it. This is my way to meet the unseen directly.
However Art is still a word that can be tricky.
God, Science, Love, Art … doesn’t say, doesn’t sing What It Is. They are words that can prevent people to take it seriously, people learn to be cinical about these words.
We need to find out a new word.
Shall we call the muses? Who knows the name, the new word, the bridge to the universe?
Who will receive the new word and give it to all of us?
We are waiting it.
We are ready.