In our second week residency at Omnibus Theatre we made dolls in two different days. Huma, Gabi, Charlotte, Florence, Tabish, Catherine, Keith, Barbara, Dana, Enzo, Amelie, Ruth, Matt, Sarah, Soham and Bex came to make dolls at the exhibition, we made 18 dolls together. Some of the makers live locally and will come back to finish off their dolls.
‘Inspired, inspiring, giving, generous, spiritual, community, aiding + sharing – we are all connected by one thread of humanity. Thank you Regina!’
‘Wonderful experience with warm and interesting women.’
‘Interesting and unique experience contributing to such a one of a kind project – glad to participate.’
‘I had fun sitting and talking with everyone – it’s not often I get the chance to create something like this.’
‘The time interrupted by the rhythm of my pulse that solely signifies life. I try to concentrate asking myself ‘where is my mind?’
‘A moment of quiet + stillness with the regularity of my pulse quickening and slowing in time with my breathing. The room around me continues in its own way, whist I sit, my heart steadily beating on.’
‘J’ai passé un trés bon moment avec Regina. Elle m’a fait découvrir son project et nous avons fait des poupées ensemble. Ses idées sont trés intéressantes et inspirantes, elles encouragent à la paix et à l’amour. C’était une trés belle après-midi passée en compagnie d’une trés belle persone! Bon courage pour la suite de tu projet Regi, je suis contente d’avoir cntribué à la création des cinq communautés. Thanks & take care.’ ‘I had a great time with Regina. She showed me her project and we made dolls together. Her ideas are very interesting and inspiring, they promote peace and love. It was a beautiful afternoon spent with a very nice person! Good luck for the future of your project, Reggie, I am pleased to have contributed to the creation of the five communities.’
‘Cette après-midi était pour moi une grande découverte et veritable parcours initiatique. Le projet que Regina défend permet d’envisager en dépassement des clivages et de anxiété qui règnent dans notre société actuelle. Bien plus qu’un projet, Regina propose une vraie philosophie au travers des ses créations. En particulier, le moment de la méditation fut inattendu per moi – sceptique au départ, l’expérience m’a finalment convaincu et ému. Te le souhaite le meilleur dans la construction et aboutissement des cinq comminautés. Merci infiniment de nous avoir fait partager ce beau moment en ta compagnie.’ ‘This afternoon was for me a great discovery and a real initiatory route. The project Regina advocates allows us to look beyond the divisions and anxiety that prevail in our current society. Much more than a project, Regina proposes a true philosophy through her creations. In particular, the moment of meditation was unexpected for me – skeptical at first, the experience finally both convinced me and moved me. I wish you the best in the construction and culmination of the five communities. Thank you very much for the opportunity you gave us to share this beautiful moment with you.’
On Saturday Omnibus Theatre celebrated five year birthday with many special activities. I particularly loved when Marie told us the history that goes back twelve years ago when they fought against destroying the building to build luxury flats, and of they won!!! The building which was a library was kept for the community and transformed in this beautiful theatre. It is incredible what we can achieve when we work together for the wellbeing of many others. Congratulations to Marie and everybody who made this dream come true.