God Science Love Art ?

‘The alignment between the objective truth and the moral truth is itself a kind of unseen order at a very deep level’ Robert Wright said that in a course about Buddhism and Psychology. I love it.

I guess the unseen order he is talking about is Love.

‘The reality wins 100% of the times’ Phelim always say that and I love it too.

However what I love the most is to put both thoughts together and when I do it I realize that we suffer that much with reality because our moral truth is not aligned to the objective truth – we are still struggling to find out the alignment, the unseen order.

For me the unseen order is Love.

I just want to clarify to my astrologer friends that when I say love, this infinite creative love, I am not talking about Neptune. 

I am talking about something beyond, the unseen order that creates the incredible synchronicity between the heavens and earth that we can very well visualise and understand through our craft. 

The miracle that makes everything the way it is, the miracle of reality in all its levels. 

Some people call it God, some other people call it Science (and science is God for them).

I like to think that Love is the ultimate energy behind and beyond everything.

Probably we will find another word instead of Love to call the unseen order, the miracle, perhaps can we call it Art?

Art = Is

Reality= Morality = What Is= Art 

I like it. This is my way to meet the unseen directly.

However Art is still a word that can be tricky.

God, Science, Love, Art … doesn’t say, doesn’t sing What It Is. They are words that can prevent people to take it seriously, people learn to be cinical about these words.

We need to find out a new word.

Shall we call the muses? Who knows the name, the new word, the bridge to the universe? 

Who will receive the new word and give it to all of us?

We are waiting it.

We are ready. 

Our ancestry

In the last workshop someone, a wise one, said ‘we need to put the heart into the right place’. This is so inspiring!

I am thinking a lot about my Italian grandmother.

She was the person I loved the most in my childhood.

She was a seamstress and she sewed mainly wedding dresses.

I feel this project is deeply related with her.

This is the first time I am sewing in my life.

The courage I have now that makes me keep going, is it also coming from her love, from our moments of love in my childhood?

I am celebrating my ancestry through the dolls and every time I sew them I am celebrating the ancestry of all people.

I have noticed that when many people put hearts into their dolls and when they meditate connected with their own hearts they do it in remembrance of their ancestry.

We are all here together. Somehow somewhere there is love.

We are all connected in the spine

It is all about energy, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy. This energy is personal as much as it is collective and I think the name of this energy is love. The more we are able to open our hearts this love energy can easier circulate to release and heal our bodies.

Can you believe that the cervical spine is made up of the first seven vertebrae in the spine?

7, 700, 7000…7 billion!

I can’t even tell you how much I am learning with my dolls.

At this moment they are telling me that we are all connected in the spine.

I love them!

I love you!

Our spine and the dolls

It is beautiful how the dolls all together remind us our vertebrae, this solid but flexible structure that sustains our body. I love the way the work is developing. At this moment I am learning that we are connected like vertebrae.

We know that our spine communicates all the informations from our brain to the entire body, physiologically speaking. In psychological terms our back carries the unconscious life which can be full of emotions from our past including our ancestry. Eastern traditions say that our spine is the energetic pathway which links the divine with the material world.

I feel that humankind is suffering of terrible back pain, perhaps we insist to live disconnected from each other, from our ancestors and from our spiritual nature. Each vertebra-doll has a heart which will help us to relief our back pain and to learn to be in peace with the unseen world. Let’s make more and more dolls!


Quantum physics and the dolls

I wrote this lines below beginning 2012:

I guess this project has to do with the theory of quantum physics which says that through the mind there is an instantaneous communication. The limits imposed on material bodies through their physical separation are not there for the mind. So making these dolls here in the UK will allow someone in any place on the planet to be touched by the intentions of who is making them. All positive thoughts and feelings will go to every person through this process. Love knows its own way. It will know where to go in the planet. You can just imagine the doll as the representation of humankind. The moment you feel your own heart beating, you will connect with life and in this process you are sending love to our partners on the Earth.

It still seems to me a good way to think about the project.

The weekend at Southbank Centre, London UK

We spent this last weekend, 25 and 26 October 2014, in Southbank Centre London with the dolls at the D&D Arts and Sports in Education: Luxury or a necessity? How do we build an education system we really want?

Ginnie, Brendan, Rosalie, Lucy, Susy, Simon, Jenny, Matilda, Riddley, Henrietta, Mel, Andrew and Li joined us. They put hearts into the dolls and finished to sew them.

We had a meditation moment – we found out our own pulse and we concentrated on the beats of our own hearts.

We made 26 dolls in total.

Some comments:

‘Fantastic project, from heart to heart. Good luck!’

‘The dolls caught my eye, dreams from pillows is lovely hopeful message. Relaxing experience with healing potential for an uncertain future’

‘Lovely meditation!’

‘Lovely peaceful workshop. Nice to take 5 minutes out of a busy day to do something creative’

‘We need to put the heart in the right place’

‘Beautiful and emotional that chat with Regina about love, mothering, astrology and life. Thank you! I sewed 4 dolls!’

‘It was not easy to find my own pulse on my wrist when I finally found it on my neck. I enjoyed the texture of white ‘cloud of dreams’, thank you!’

‘Your project remind me of both Reike and Vordun with the dolls as a vessel for my pulse bringing life to the dolls heart. I wonder if the corresponding being will have been remotely charged in the moment. Thank you Regina – I enjoyed a meditative time participating here!’

This last comment reminded me my first thoughts about the project when I used quantic physics to try to understand what I am doing. I wrote some lines about it beginning 2012, see the post above.

I am very grateful once more for the amazing generous D&D people and for everybody who participated in the workshop, thank you!













Paintings inspired by the dolls


This is one of the first paintings of the series inspired by the dolls. I painted them in January and February 2013 when I started  making dolls more regularly. In March 2013 I started the series ‘Threads’ which I have been developing up to this moment.

These paintings, pen on paper,  reminds us bones, stones, teeth, eggs, light…

The moon was approaching my paintings as well, in some of them it appears almost full. It took me over a year to realize it.

When I cut papers to make full moons necklaces and place them over each other, they bring me these paintings.

Recently I also realised that when the dolls are queuing they look like our back bones, our vertebrae. You can visit Vertebrae page. The last painting of this series shows a sequence that reminds us vertebrae as well. I called it vertebrae houses.

I am amazed with all connections.

Full moon and paintings inspired by the dolls

The moon was approaching me through my paintings as well.

I didn’t notice while I was painting them almost two years ago.

When I cut papers to make full moons and place them over each other, they remind us my paintings inspired by the dolls.

It was all there. I can see now.
