‘It was very rewarding to shape those pieces of fabric! It reminded me of morphogenetic fields defined and demonstrated by Rupert Sheldrake, Cambridge University. Just as the spirit needs to become a morphic field that guides the biomolecules until they become alive, I felt that the cotton fibers were this morphic field giving ‘life’ to each doll! Contemplatively immersed in the richness of the creative process. Eternal gratitude!’
‘It is an invitation to share the present time, to be present together.You cannot be with others while paying attention to your mobile phone, but you certainly can do that while sewing and meditating. In present times, dreaming a better world is a kind of privilege. Regina is promoting a community experience – working together to donate the result of this togetherness to other person in another part of the world.’
I run two workshops this summer in São Paulo, Brazil, on 01 and 08 August 2015.
Claudia, Vera, Cecilia, Marina, Gabi, Fernando, Cynthia, Dani, Juliana, Jano, Thaiz, Catarina, Julia, Paulo, Aline, Caique, Bruno e Fani came over.
We were mainly actors, directors, play writers and health professionals as physiotherapists, psychologists and doctors.
We made 46 dolls.
Something different happened in the two workshops – we all made the doll’s meditation together at the end of the events during around 10-15 minutes. On the first, Juliana put on some music, what I usually would not like, but it turned out to be a perfect kind of music to meditate, we loved it!
On the second workshop Caique remind us about the “Lion’s Gate Portal’ which happens every year on 08 of August. Numerology says that this date vibrates the energy of continuity and harmonic balance. This year offered a rare triple 8 as 2015 (2+0+1+5) adds another 8 to the day creating a powerful portal to inspire new balance between our hearts and minds.
We made 26 (2+6) dolls and we realised that for us was actually an 8888!
We booked on this date just because it was the date when the space was available. We were blessed by this coincidence which gave an extra sense of joy to the workshop.
For me the presence of my dear teacher Jano at his studio made my 8888 a special day.
We also had an interesting conversation with Paulo, an oncologist researcher, about the similarities between genomics (our genetic code) and astrology. The graphic representation of the connections between the pairs of chromosomes is amazingly similar to an astrological chart. We can see them both as oracles!
I am grateful to everybody who came, Claudia, Vera, Juliana and Jano who helped to invite people to the events, Olivia who lent me her sewing machine, Claudia and Jano who gave us lots of pillows full of their dreams and Gabriela and Jano who shared their super cool studios allowing us to spend those lovely afternoons together.
Regina Mendes is a visual artist, a dance theatre director, a performer, a psychologist specializing in child therapy and a doll maker. In visual arts she has been exhibiting her art work since 2002 including the Brazilian British Centre.
Regina has created a project called ‘Atelier Knitting Enchanted Wool’ which, during four years, developed projects with children which were exhibited, sold and the money delivered to different communities of poor children.
The paintings and photos of this exhibition are inspired by the dolls project which also has a social dimension. You can sponsor a doll and everything you donate will go directly to the charity called ‘Plan’ JUSTGIVING.COM/DREAMSANDAHEART
Further Details
From: 16/06/2015
Until: 13/07/2015
Mondays 9am to 5pm
Tuesday to Friday 9am to 6pm
Weekends 10am to 5pm
‘I could connect to your dolls and feel really grateful to have my baby’s photo to be part of your exhibition. It is so wonderful. I feel your work bring people connecting to the universe much closer, like the moons’
I opened last Tuesday 16 June an exhibition of some of my paintings and photos inspired by Dreams and a Heart project. I am happy to have them framed, they look pretty on the wall.
The exhibition is running in a very cozy space in Muswell Hill.
We met yesterday 17 June 2015 at University of the Arts London Central Saint Martins in another great D&D event ‘How should the theatre industry engage with the new Government?’
I invited people to help me to put dreams and hearts into the dolls. Bill, Lewis, Clea, Fiona, Kasia, Vincent and Olivia came and we finished 11 dolls. We had good conversations. Some comments:
‘Don’t say 700 Regina, say 7 billion!’
‘First of all I would like to thank you immensely for the amazing experience. It has been a pleasure making the dolls with you. I know how important they are to you. I am happy to have been the lucky one to feel the immense good you are making through your job/life and to have contribute to this. I would recommend this session, this deep and philosophical session, to everyone because it makes you understand the importance of contributing/volunteering to a good cause for our modern society. Please Regina, keep on making these dolls and make everyone happy with your wonderful heart.’
We shared a special moment when he connected with his wonderful heart.
I love this project, I love the dolls, I love D&D. Thank you once more to make it possible.
We spent the weekend, 6th and 7th June 2015, at Royal Opera House at the first D&D event about Opera and it was brilliant! The warm sunny days were present in the stunning space every single moment and we were happy to be together, we felt privileged and blessed. We are lucky people really, we have an amazing guardian angel.
Mayou, Laurence, Anne, Alexia, Joe, Anna, Catherine, Lila, Tim, Sarah, David, Li and three more people that I don’t know the names, helped me to put dreams and hearts into the dolls. On Saturday I ran out of dreams but on Sunday there were plenty of them as people brought me their pillows. We made 15 dolls.
Some comments:
‘This is the last thing I ever imagined I would be doing this weekend and I am quite enjoying it’
‘After having my heart broken last year, it was so helpful and special to share time with you and to go through the process of fitting a body with dreams and a new heart. Thank you’
and then he gave me the piece of paper where he wrote that and said ‘I am going home now, I’ve found what I was looking for, this is all I needed, thank you’
Ohhhh such a great guy, an opera singer, the first opera singer who helped me to make my dolls. We spent some time together and it was absolutely adorable.
I feel happy, honoured and blessed. Thank you Phelim and Sarah and Susie and Rachel and all the mystery that brought all of us together once more, I love you.
Annalisa made these 50 dolls. She sent them to me from Italy some days ago. I can clearly see that they were made with lots of care. Her soft and kind dreams and generous heart are into all these dolls. I am so grateful, grazie mille my friend!