Invitation for Sao Paulo, Brazil

This was the beautiful invitation Claudia Vasconcellos wrote for the workshop I run in Brazil last month.

To meditate is to share a dream

Dear friends, there are many ways to collaborate for a more harmonious, poetic and supportive world. One of them is meditation.

In this case, I invite you to a meditation undertaken collectively, with the aim of propagating human attunement to states of fraternity and compassion.

This is the fourth year that we have received in São Paulo the creator of the project Dreams and a Heart, in which meditation is carried out together with the manufacture of small dolls that will be donated, in groups of 700, for nursing homes, care centres, schools, hospitals… on the five continents.

Imagine that the doll that you will fill with your best dreams and endow it with a small and powerful heart while meditating will reach the hands of a Nigerian child or an elderly Indian, who can complete them in robes, colours, a face.

This poetic exchange links relations between the inhabitants of the planet. It is a gesture of solidarity, peace and hope called Dreams and a Heart.

Regina Mendes has been designing the project for 7 years and for the last 5 years has been doing workshops in England, Portugal and Brazil, bringing people together to dream a better world and connect with other people through the little dolls made of dreams and hearts.

Check out details at

Dreams and a Heart

We invite you to extend the power of this gesture. Donating some time of your Sunday, April 15, and your attention, in the company of people who also dream a more fraternal world.

Note: We will be working to complete the third community of dolls to reach the 2100 mark.

Note 2: If you can, bring a used pillow, which stuffing, full of your dreams, will be used on the dolls.


04/04, Sunday

14h – 18h (ideally you arrive at 14:00 but if you can’t, make your own schedule)
